Monday, December 31, 2007
Off to Chicago - Again
I wish you all a Happy New Year! My friend Patty told me this a while ago, but I still love it:
"May your best day of last year be your worst day of the new year."
Isn't that the truth? I wish you all a healthy, and happy New Year filled with laughter, love, and people who make you smile.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Last 2 Days in Chicago
Mickey decided to have appetizers along with ham for the meal. Everyone brought something and the food was delicious. We had beef with roasted red peppers and garlic on toasts, pizza bread, baked goat cheese with marinara, artichoke dip, and other assorted things. When we were done with the appetizers, we realized that we forgot to put out the ham and homemade corn bread. That became the running joke of the day, when Mickey or Mike would try to offer ham or cornbread at every opportunity. It's always so fun for me to be with my family and catch up. Inevitably, old stories are told and there's a lot of laughter.
We also had a grab-bag gift exchange. Normally there is one item that is coveted and stolen throughout the game, but this year everyone was satisfied (or settled) for what they got. I got a really nice wine opener, and Stein got a Tandoori chicken clay pot. We attempted to use the clay pot tonight for dinner, until we noticed that the sticker on it said it needed to be soaked in water for 12 hours prior to using.
Stein drove home that night and I stayed with Mickey. We needed to get an early start to go into the city for shopping. We met my dad for a pre-shopping breakfast at Toast in Lincoln Park. They have a stuffed french toast that is incredible. They stuff it with either cream cheese and strawberries or chocolate. We had both and it was to die for.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not really a shopper. I think I've written about my theory on shopping: if I need something, I go buy it, but I rarely go shopping just to shop. It's just not my thing. But, the day after Christmas, it's different. Mickey and I like to go to see what's on sale. Mostly we look for gift-type items that we can give the following Christmas. Or we look for decorations. This year the pickings were a little slim in terms of the things we like to buy. But we managed to buy some really nice gifts at half-price. I always like opening the bags a year later. It's a surprise all over again.
We got done shopping at about 1:30 and decided to have lunch. I was convinced that there was an earlier train than the one I was scheduled to take at 6:00, but unfortunately there wasn't. When Mickey dropped me off at the train station, it was 2:30. I obviously had a lot of time to kill before catching the train.
I decided to walk down to State Street to go to Macy's and the other stores there. I'm glad I did. For a long time, we had the tradition of going to Marshall Field's (now Macy's) and sitting under the tree for lunch in the Walnut Room. We haven't done that in a long time, and I miss seeing the tree and being at Macy's. The place just puts me in the Christmas mood.
If you've never been to Macy's on State, you should go. The building is humongous. I think there are 10 floors. And there are escalators and elevators going up and down carrying people with bulging bags. It's pretty amazing. Every time I am there, I think of my grandma. She went downtown a lot, and talked about going to "Field's" where she bought something she was looking for, or stopped by the "cafeteria" to have lunch with her friends. As I rode the old escalators up and down throughout the store, I couldn't help but think that my grandma was on the same escalators. I suddenly felt the urge to buy a hat. My grandma always wore the most stylish hats, and they looked great on her. I'm not really a hat person, so the thought quickly vanished.
As I walked back to the train station, I thought about how comfortable I am in the city. I know the city. I instantly go into city mode when I'm downtown. There's a certain way to walk, a certain way to avoid the eye contact of a pan handler, a certain way to stare in awe of the tall buildings without looking like a tourist. I pride myself in remembering all of these nuances. To me it's like riding a bike. It was a great walk.
When I got back to Union Station, my good mood began to diminish. The boarding area was packed with people. I was immediately back to my traveling days when I worked for Einsteins. My game face was on and I felt very annoyed. I listened as one guy told his life story to the woman next to him including the exact place in Minneapolis where he lives. I saw people pushing and shoving to move about a foot ahead in line. And I had more than one person bump into my leg with their suitcase or their leg or their foot. I just wanted to be home and all I kept thinking about was that I had a 4 1/2 hour train ride ahead of me. Looking back, that wasn't so bad. If you remember from my earlier post, the train was an hour late.
I had the pleasure while riding on the train of listening to 2 women talk about all the trains that they have taken in their lives and all the routes that they have gone on. Judging from their conversation, I don't think either of these women have ever traveled to another city via car, bus or plane. They were Amtrak experts, and each tried to one-up the other with her knowledge. As if that weren't annoying enough, I also had the guy in front of me who got off at every stop to have a cigarette and came back reeking of smoke. He also had about 4 beers on the trip and moaned in his sleep when he fell asleep. I have never looked at my watch so many times in a 5 hour span.
I got into Ann Arbor at 12:30 am and Stein was waiting for me. I was so grateful at that point that he refused to let me take a cab home. I was exhausted from a long day of shopping and traveling. I slept like a baby that night.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas Presents!
I received some really thoughtful gifts this year. He gave me a beautiful jewelry box that will now contain all the random bracelets, earrings, and necklaces that are strewn on my dresser or are still in cardboard boxes. Don't get me wrong, you know I don't have a ton of jewelry, but what I do have is in a mess on my dresser. The new jewelry box will definitely help to contain the mess.
In the same vein as jewelry, he got me a necklace that matches a bracelet that he gave me a couple years ago. It has pieces of tumbled sea glass surrounded by sterling silver. I like the pieces because they're colorful and pretty unusual. Since sea glass is randomly tumbled into its shape, there are no two bracelets or necklaces alike.
I also got a Marquette license plate holder to replace my old, faded one. You can barely read "Marquette" on the old one, so I guess it's time for a new one.
My favorite gift is pictured here:
Top row (from left): 1.)The Avalanche Bar that was near Marquette but was torn down shortly after we graduated. (This was a landmark for Marquette students who made it famous with its beer slides. No, I never did one, but Chris Farley did when he attended Marquette.)
2.)Marquette Warriors. (This was the Marquette nickname prior to and while I attended Marquette. After I graduated, the university decided to change the name proactively because of the Native American connection. However, it was never a condescending image (like other teams) so alumni are still upset about it.) 3.) Coldwater Triathlon. (This was the triathlon that we participated in twice. Before you get all impressed, I have to tell you that it was a MINI triathlon. But, we finished, which was a major accomplishment.)
Second row (from left): 1.) A dog howling at the moon. (This was a t-shirt that I bought in Madrid when we went to Spain a few years ago. That was a memorable trip for both of us.)
2.) O'Donoghue's Pub. (O'D's as we called it, was another Marquette institution, and our hang-out for most of senior year. It too was torn down shortly after we graduated. We even roller-bladed in that bar once, and spent more hours there than I care to remember.) 3.) Chicago Cubs. My baseball team. I can't even count the times I have been in the bleachers at Wrigley, or the opening days I have attended, or the losing seasons I have watched. Eh, it's all in the life of a Cubs fan.
Third row (from left): 1.) Eastern Michigan University. (This is where I just finished my teaching program, and where my teaching certificate is from.) 2.) Yak-zie's bar. (A bar in Wrigleyville that holds so many memories for me. This was our hang-out for most of my post-college years, including the first time I met Stein, countless 6am opening-day mornings, and many Friday nights when Chris and I were roommates and had no plans for dinner.)
3.) Mama's Fish house. (This is a restaurant on the island of Maui, where Stein and I had the pleasure and fortune of going to twice. The first time we went on Thanksgiving night, which is one of my most memorable Thanksgivings. The second time we went with my Mom and Rich, which was another great time. They have, hands down, the best fish. It's caught daily, and they even list the fisherman who caught the fish on the menu.)
Fourth row (from left): 1.) The Bears. My football team. Being a Bears fan is kind of like being a Cubs fan, except that the Bears have gone to the Super Bowl and even won one! Growing up we had season tickets, so we would be out in the cold and snow at Soldier Field until the bitter end. 2.) Michigan football. (You already know that I like Michigan football, not only because we live blocks from the stadium and attend the games, but because we didn't have football at Marquette. Football games are a whole new experience for me.) 3.) Marquette. Need I say more?
You can probably see why this was my favorite present this year. Every time I am snuggled under it while I'm sitting on the couch, I look down and instantly memories go racing through my head. What a great gift.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Eve - Chicago Style

After breakfast, Stein and I had some time to kill before checking into our hotel. We decided on seeing the movie Charlie Wilson's War, with Tom Hanks. It was a great movie, particularly if you love Tom Hanks and love government-type movies. It was a great way to spend the afternoon.
We checked into our hotel, relaxed a little, and then walked around downtown. The streets were more crowded than we anticipated, and it was freezing! We wandered into a couple stores, where it was a nice break to get out of the cold. We always get Garrett's popcorn when we're downtown, but we also wanted some hot chocolate. I made the bad decision of getting the hot chocolate first.
If you've never heard of Garrett's, I'll tell you a bit about it. Garrett's popcorn has a couple locations downtown. Their location on Michigan Ave. is a small storefront shop with enough room for a double line of people, the counter, and the popcorn bins. Eventually crowds spill outside and down the sidewalk. People wait up to an hour or more to get this popcorn. So what's the deal with this popcorn? In my opinion, it is the best popcorn, hands down. They have a caramel/cheese popcorn mix that is their specialty. Yes, you read right. Caramel corn and cheese popcorn mixed together. I'm not normally a caramel corn person, but this is different. It's not sugary, it's buttery. So that, combined with the cheese popcorn just makes my mouth water. Oh, and the cheese popcorn? Your hands are orange for days from the cheese stuff.
After getting our hot chocolate from the Ghiradelli store, Stein and I went to Garrett's. We thought we were such experts. "The line isn't even outside!" we noted. What we didn't note was the hours of operation on the door. As we stood in line for about 20 minutes, we heard one of the employees shout, "WE ARE ALMOST OUT OF CARAMEL CORN. WE WILL NOT BE TAKING ANY MORE ORDERS UNTIL THE NEXT PEOPLE'S ORDERS ARE FILLED. WE CLOSE AT 4:00." After initial groans from all the customers in the store, everyone started planning. "We can get by with just cheese," a woman behind us said. "I guess butter popcorn is okay," we heard another person say. I told Stein that cheese would be okay with me too. It was only 3:30, so they should have enough by the time we got up there. As we waited longer in line, I started eyeing the people getting their orders filled and counted how many others were in front of us. "She ordered a whole gallon! She's taking all the popcorn!" Stein said. "Tackle her!" I half-joked that Stein could be like Seinfeld in the bread episode. Then we got the devastating news.
They were out of ALL popcorn. And to make matters worse, we were the next people in line to order.
Stein immediately walked out the door and started walking down the street. I got outside and just stood there in disbelief. No Garrett's popcorn. No buttery caramel and messy cheese. I was gypped. We walked back to the hotel with our heads down. Partially from the wind, and partially from our defeat.
That night, we went to the Drake hotel to have drinks before dinner. (The Drake is the "small" white building in the picture above). We stayed at the Drake a few years ago, and really liked how they decorate for Christmas. It's such a Chicago Landmark, and I love to go there. It's very elegant, and you can just picture all of the famous Chicagoans who have been there hobnobbing at various functions.
After drinks, we went up to Mia Francesca's for dinner. This small, busy Italian restaurant in Wrigleyville is one of our favorites. It's not pretentious like some stuffy Italian restaurants. It's bright, upbeat, and friendly. The tables are packed together, but you never feel crowded. We started off with some carpaccio as an appetizer, and I had a chicken dish and Stein had pork chops. We shared a chocolate cake for dessert that oozed in the middle. Everything was outstanding, including the wine. I tried to snap a picture discreetly without flash just to get an idea of how it is in there. It came out blurry, but you can see how close the tables are together, and also see the small bar (only about 8 bar stools).
We had a great day. Some things planned, some things spontaneous. What a fun way to spend Christmas Eve in the city I love.
Happy Birthday Karen!
You may know her from her blog, flidstickdig (see blog list at the right). I've known Karen since college (I won't say how many years) and I consider myself a lucky duck because I still have her in my life.
I first met Karen at a Halloween party at Marquette (go figure). She wasn't "invited" to the party, but she managed her way in. So there she stood, dressed as Santa Claus, albeit a disheveled Santa Claus, with drink in hand. Later, the Santa Claus costume would be shed, but the drink seemed to remain. (Need I remind you that we were in college? In Milwaukee, no less?)
I have a lot of stories about Karen, some embarrassing, some hilarious, some touching. But the one thing about her that comes shining through no matter the story is her laughter, her sensitivity, and her passion. Passion for living, passion for whatever she puts her mind to.
Since college, Karen has lived in Colorado, Idaho, England, and now France (I think I may be forgetting someplace). With each place comes more stories of passion. Passion for those around her, passion for things she loves to do. Passion for the little things she takes notice of and treasures.
Throughout the years since college, I have managed to see Karen on a somewhat regular basis, despite the distance. She comes in to see her family, and I go there. I am instantly adopted by the family for a few days while Karen and I catch up, or while I play with her 3 adorable kids (and adorable husband).
You know you're with a good friend when you just pick up where you left off from the last time. Without skipping a beat. Without pause in conversation. Without so much to say, you can't stop. We both treasure the time we have together. We both know we will soon have to go back home. So we pack in reminiscing, catching up, and laughing into a short time.
This lucky duck says Happy Birthday Karen! Have a wonderful day doing whatever you're doing over there. I'm sure it is something that makes your heart sing and laughter flow. Cheers!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday Night - En Fuego
Accompanying us at dinner was Chris and Mike, and Sarah and Scott. We managed to order almost every specialty roll on the menu, and then we told the waitress to have the chef surprise us with some rolls of his own creation. He didn't let us down. Everything was delicious.
Patty and Paul met up with us toward the end of dinner too. It was a bitter-cold day and night with a wicked wind, so we all left at a reasonable hour to get home to hunker down.
Whirlwind Trip
I am going to write about our adventures in a different post for each day. I can't promise that I will get all the posts written today, but hopefully by New Year's. We're going back to the Chicago area to visit Shark and Jane for the holiday. They just moved into a new house, so we're anxious to see it and catch up with them.
Right now I'm glad to be back home and sleeping in our own bed. Each night we slept in a different bed, so I'm happy to shed the gypsy feeling I've been experiencing the last couple days.
I'll leave you with this. Our time spent in Chicago revolved around food, family, and friends. Oh, and did I mention fun? Yeah, there was a lot of that too.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
On the Road Again
We'll spend Christmas Day at Mickey's with her family, my brother Bryan and his family, and my dad. I'm going to stay over at Mickey's that night so she and I can go to the after-Christmas sales the next day. I'll take the train home that night.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I don't know if we'll have a white Christmas, but says that it will be a cold Christmas!
If I don't post before Christmas, I hope that you all have a merry and peaceful one spent with the people you love.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Making Fudge
I forgot to bring my camera (I still forget that I have one, so I forget to bring it with me when we go anywhere). I wish I would've, because it was quite the scene to see Stein, his brother Marty and our three nephews working together to get the fudge made. We really noticed today how tall the boys are getting. Even though we see them pretty often, for some reason we noticed a change today. Jake is now about 6'3" and he's 13. He towers over Stein, and is now taller than his dad.
Each of the boys took his stirring responsibilities seriously. Stein also took his uncle responsibilities seriously and coached the boys during the process. "STIR!" This was the word of encouragement that he barked while the boys stood at the stove.
They ended up making 4 batches - 2 chocolate, one peanut butter, and one chocolate/peanut butter. They all turned out great. We managed to get away without taking any fudge home. We already have a ton of holiday junk food around, and didn't need to add the sugary fudge to the mix. We had a couple pieces before we left, and that was enough. I'm still experiencing the sugar high that started about 2 hours ago, and I think a nap is in order this afternoon. Maybe I'll have visions of sugarplums, or sugary fudge, dancing in my head.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
When I got there in the morning, I was in a great mood. I knew the drill, I knew what to do. And most of all, I knew the kids. I got into the room and Linda was already there. It was good to see her, and it was good to touch base with what she wanted me to cover that day. We chatted for a while and she was on her way to her meeting. I did some last minute things that needed to get done, and Matt came in to say hi and chat. "It's good to have you here," he said. "It's good to be back," I said cheerfully. How nice.
The kids greeted me with hugs instead of the usual handshake that is the routine in the morning. Even kids from Matt's class stopped in the hall to give me hugs.
The morning started just like any other morning did when I was student teaching. Keeping the same 3 boys on task, getting kids to finish their planners and their breakfasts (most of the kids qualify for free or reduced lunch). Another teacher came in to do some work with a group of kids, so I had everyone else do some work in their workbooks. We had our morning meeting when I told the kids that I was excited to see them and excited for the day. Everything was going swimmingly.
Until the math lesson.
The math lesson was not as structured as other math lessons given, and I know these kids when this happens. They lose it. They go crazy. And predictably, they did. The lesson dealt with measuring things around the room with a meter stick (yard stick). Suddenly, sticks were being twirled, sticks were being used as swords, and sticks were leading impromptu parades. I had to use my teacher voice more than once during this time. The girls with attitudes used this time to chat and gossip in a corner. When I would go near them, they would suddenly be measuring. Anything. "Let's measure your face," one of them said.
Oh, and they tested me. Like I had never been in their classroom before. Asking me for things that I knew they couldn't have, telling me procedures that I know didn't happen. Each time I said no, the face I got in return was like I had just given them the worst punishment of all.
The afternoon was okay. I had Matt's class for science so that was a nice break. We took a break and went to recess outside. I think this did more harm than good. The kids felt that because they were being loud outside, they could just continue being loud outside. In the computer lab.
Luckily computers was the last thing on the agenda before going home. They came back into the classroom, and got ready to go home. As I said goodbye to each one of them, I got the customary high-five on the way out.
Kids will be kids. And that's what keeps me coming back for more.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
100 Posts and Chicken Pot Pie
Tonight we had Stein's parents over for dinner and we made a chicken pot pie. I made it for Stein before and thought it would be a good thing to make tonight. Talk about comfort food. Here's the recipe if you want to make it too. (Oh, and don't worry about the the prep time, we cut this down by just using store-bought pie crust. I can hardly tell a difference.),,FOOD_9936_5251,00.html
We couldn't think of what to have with it, since pot pies really have a whole meal in them - starch, meat, vegetables. So, we decided on a salad. I went with the comfort food theme and saw this recipe for Roquefort, bacon and dried cherries salad. It was delicious! Again, we did some shortcuts: we used bagged lettuce and also just used blue cheese instead of Roquefort.
Tomorrow I will be subbing for Linda. I'm excited to see all the kids again, and I hope they are excited to see me too. I have so much of a different feeling going in tomorrow than I had during student teaching. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'll only be there one day. I wonder if they're going to be a little crazy with the start of vacation only 2 days away? Yeah, I bet they will be.
Only one day. I can do it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
My senior year in college, my roommates and I followed a series of articles written by Bob Greene. (Bob Greene was a prominent Chicago Tribune journalist who ran into some "bad luck" and is no longer working for them.)
Anyway, the articles revolved around happiness and what made him happy. He believed that there were countless things that made him happy, and chose to make a list of all of them in each article in the series. As I recall, the series lasted for about a week. It became kind of an obsession with us, as we decided who would buy the paper each day and then racing home to read the article. (It was winter and we were in Milwaukee. Not much was going on.)
We taped these articles to our pantry door, as a reminder of all things happy. Then we started a list of our own. This list grew and grew as we noticed all the things around us that made us happy. I remember one in particular that still makes me smile. "The day after a trip to the grocery store," was I'm sure written by Karen, who loved the grocery store and even dreamed of having her wedding there someday.
So, in honor of that list, and in an effort to document happy things in a time where rushing around, honking horns and grunting "happy holidays" has become the norm, I give you the beginning of my happy list (feel free to add more in the comments section):
Things that make me happy:
-Stein (aw, shucks, couldn't resist. gush gush.)
-A cup of chai tea, Trader Joe's cookies, and an episode of the Gilmore Girls.
-Friday nights.
-Time spent with family.
-Sunday afternoons with nothing to do but nap on the couch.
-The summer wind (the song and the actual thing)
-Freshly baked cookies with a cold glass of milk.
-Time spent with old friends.
-Laughing so hard that you can barely catch your breath.
-Going to see a play, or better yet, a musical.
-Coming in from the cold and having hot chocolate to warm your chilly fingers and cheeks.
-Reading for pleasure.
-Receiving an email from an old friend.
I will add to this list from time to time, so don't worry. There are definitely a lot more things that make me happy. I just don't want to bore you with a long list right now...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
And there's a snow day tomorrow for all the school districts around here. Normally that would be a good thing, especially while I was student teaching, but since I'm subbing now, it's not such a good thing! I was looking forward to subbing tomorrow. It looks like the only day I'll be subbing this week is Wednesday. Darn.
My Sister
I went to visit my sister Mickey last week. One of the main reasons I went was to see her second-grade classroom and observe her teach. But like all other times we're together, we spent most of the time talking and catching up. We usually talk several times a week on the phone, but it's so much better when we're in person. From the time I got there, to the time I left 2 days later, there was rarely a pause in our talking.
Our relationship has grown over the years from that of sisters to that of friends. And now that we're both in the same profession, we've added teacher talk to our conversations. There's a lot of give and take in our relationships. Because we're similar in many ways, but still different in others, we can give and take advice and see things from different perspectives. We rely on each other to vent, mull things over, or offer some humor to lighten a situation.
Even though we get to see each other more than once a year, I still value our time together. That's why I thought of St. Benedict and St. Scholastica as I left her house to come home. I would have loved to have more time to continue talking. Unfortunately, we both had things we needed to get done and I had to go home. And wouldn't you know, a snowstorm appeared a day later. Maybe next time.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Roughing It
What appropriate words for the week I've had so far. I've been able to finally truly slow down. I was talking to Mickey the other day and said that I'm almost overwhelmed by the time I have. It seems like an overabundance, a gift, a luxury. Stein and I have also been joking about "how much I have to do now". I'm truly done. No more due dates, no more projects. It's a weird feeling, that's for sure. This week has made me think about time, and how it means different things at different times. I'll explain without being too philosophical, of course. (I usually save all philosophy for Rick the philosopher.)
If you've seen the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks, you know the story. And you probably know the quote: "We live and we die by time. And we must not commit the sin of losing our track on time." He works for FedEx, of course he lives and dies by time. The irony comes when he is stuck on a deserted island with nothing but time (and Wilson).
Although I haven't been as connected to time as a FedEx worker, at times during the past three months I have definitely run against and out of time. We all know that school is run by schedules. Not only the schedules of the students, but also the schedules of the teachers. While the kids are at gym, music, etc., teachers scurry around the building, make copies, or meet for a brief chat with the principal or colleagues. Time tends to fly during these times. So many times I would think, great, I have this hour to do this and that, only to be stopped short when someone wanted to talk to me, or Linda needed something done. The plan would be out the window. Along with the time.
When I worked at Einstein's, my perspective of time dealt mainly with flight times and store hours. I also was under the constraints of traffic and weather all revolving around getting to or from airports. So much of that was out of my control. Yet, I did feel like I had a lot of time when I was on the road. I didn't have a boss sitting next to me or down the hall, so it didn't matter if I did my work at midnight or 3 p.m., as long as the work got done by the deadline. And because I worked out of my house, I could use my time during the day to run errands when the stores were less busy. Then I could return and work at night. I never felt like I was up against time. I felt like I was working with it, maximizing it.
The jobs I had before and after Einsteins were ruled by time. The one before was especially frustrating. The HR manager had an office at the front of the building, so she could watch out the window and clock us coming and leaving. Talk about Big Brother! And then at the job I had after Einsteins, I had to fill out a time sheet every week, and every minute counted. I once had a doctor's appointment, and my boss wanted to know how I was going to make up the time! Those two jobs really showed me how time can be suffocating.
And now? Today? Well, the clock is something that I look at to see when a show is on TV, or when a store is open, or if it's time to eat lunch, or how long my chicken has been in the crock pot. Right now time is truly a luxury. I'm savoring every minute of it.
Monday, December 10, 2007
New Blog Link
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Fat Lady Sang
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Maybe I Didn't Need That Cup of Tea
I am sitting at it as I type. And I keep the pads and tablecloth on it religiously. I know, I go back and forth - do I expose the table to the elements and risk it getting scratched and stained? Or do I keep the layers on it to keep it safe?
I took the day off today to get some last minute things done on my portfolio and get some things done around the house. Linda was going to be out today, and since I would have to leave by 3:00 to get to my meeting, we would need a sub in the room. I thought, well, if I'm not going to be the sub (I can get paid for subbing now) I won't go in. So I didn't.
I "slept in" a little later than usual, and then fixed one of my favorite breakfasts: a toasted pumpkin bagel with butter and a cup of chai tea with milk. As I set the cup of tea down on the table, I had a feeling that I shouldn't set it down. I don't know why, I usually have water or tea near me while I'm on the computer.
I should've listened to myself.
Maybe it was the butter from the bagel on my fingers. When I reached for my full cup of chai tea, my hand fumbled and suddenly chai tea was everywhere. I danced around the table, lifting up papers and notes and everything else needed for my portfolio before the puddle of tea soaked further along on the tablecloth. Luckily the cup tipped away from the computer.
I'm no longer laughing at the great aunts. I'm thankful for their wisdom and forward thinking.
Monday, December 3, 2007
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas
No offense to our Christmas tree growing up, but it was an artificial one. At that time, not a lot of people bought real Christmas trees, at least not in my neighborhood. The McGraths across the street had a white one that they kept in their foyer. But that wasn't the best part. They also had a light that changed from red to blue to green that they would shine on the Christmas tree. No joke. We would watch that thing for hours. Cheap entertainment.
In our house every year, my parents would wrangle a huge box up the basement steps and plop it into the living room. When we would open the dusty box, we were immediately met with a musty smell. The Christmas tree waited inside, all in pieces. Each branch was held together by a thick wire. And on the end of the wire was a painted color that corresponded to the hole on the tree pole ("trunk"). Once the tree was in the stand, you could try to match the branches to the trunk. Sounds easy, huh? Yeah, not so much when half the paint was chipping off or you couldn't tell if the color was green or blue, or rust.
Next came the lights. As if untangling the mound of lights wasn't enough, plugging in the strands to see if they worked was another job. And if they didn't work? Well, you wouldn't throw them out. Oh no, there was some engineering to be done. In other words, go through each strand, bulb by bulb, and see if you could find the culprit. Right.
And then came the dusty, fuzzy garland. I think it was gold. Or silver. Regardless, this same garland came in handy when my brother's needed some "garnish" for their shepherd's costumes for the church Christmas pageant. The silver or gold looked exquisite tacked onto my dad's light blue terry cloth bathrobe.
And finally the ornaments. I loved (and still do) the ornament part. Every year you get to reminisce about special ornaments given to you by special people. My mom did a great thing every year. She bought all of us ornaments surrounding a theme. So now on our Christmas tree, we have a lot of ornaments, some as old as me! In fact, one of my favorite ornaments is the spoon from my "Hey Diddle Diddle" mobile that my mom fashioned into an ornament. Very cool.
It wasn't until I was in college that we got rid of the artificial tree and got a real one. Go figure - the church started selling them as a fundraiser and suddenly we were real-tree converts. At one point, we even had 2 in our house (we really wanted to give to the church). It was at that time that I decided real is the way to go. You really can't get that pine smell from a candle. Or from Pine-Sol. Believe me, I've tried.
After college, my roommates and I would go to the local lot selling trees. I never really considered where they came from, I guess somewhere in the "country". "You can take a girl out of the city..."
Okay, I digress. Back to Saturday. We went to a tree farm not far from our house. The day was grey and cold (about 25 degrees - brrr). I bundled up in long johns, boots, hat, mittens, and my heavy ski coat. I didn't know how long it would take to find "our" tree, and I didn't want to be cold. Luckily, I really didn't need all of the layers because we only took about a half hour to find our tree. Here is a shot of the tree before we got it:
And here it is once we (Stein) cut it down.
And check these out. No, I didn't touch up the pictures in blue. These are blue Christmas trees. If the McGraths could only see these now. They wouldn't need their fancy rotating lights. Seriously, how do you decorate without clashing colors?,,FOOD_9936_30611,00.html
We left their house just in time to drive through snow and freezing rain. Lovely. We made it home safe and I immediately crawled into bed.
Sunday, we had our niece and nephew over to decorate the tree. This has also become a tradition for us. Eric has been doing it for about 4 years now, and this was the 2nd year for Mia. We still separate the really fragile ornaments from the less-fragile ones just to be safe. This year, they thought that the back of the couch would be a great ladder to use. I didn't want to see either one of them dive into the tree, so I kept a close eye on them. Here are some pics from Sunday:
Saturday, December 1, 2007
It's hard to believe that this will be my last week of student teaching. Not to sound cliche, but I feel like it was just last week that Linda and I were getting the room ready to start the year. Now it's time to leave. This past week flew by as I was weaning myself from teaching all the lessons to just teaching two. I resumed my role as observer once again, watching Linda as she took over in the classroom. She's the pro, and she took over flawlessly.
In the next week I will be giving back all of the teaching as I wrap up the units in writing and science. I will be getting my portfolio together in a more polished state. I will also be getting my thank you notes written.
Linda told me what they typically do for student teachers who are leaving. Friday afternoon, the kids (from both 4th grade classrooms) will gather in one room, in a circle. I will be the guest of honor. Each child will say something that he/she appreciates about me. "I have never had a student teacher who didn't cry at this point," Linda said. I started getting choked up as she was explaining it.
I'm going to be a mess on Friday.
I am feeling bittersweet about this ending. I'm sad that I won't see all of these kids on a regular basis, sad that I won't get to see the strides that they will make by the end of the school year. But I'm excited to start the next phase of my learning, to actually get out there and put what I've learned into action. I'm definitely ready. Am I going to trip and fall and skin my knees as I start teaching? Of course. Will I have hard days when I wish that I was instead working at Hallmark (a family joke)? You bet. But I know that "the hook" is there. The hook is what my friend Regina calls the breakthroughs with a child, or a good lesson taught, or a kind gesture from one of your students. I have been "hooked" and it's what gets you through the other more difficult days.
After this week, I will no longer be a student teacher, I will be a teacher. Wow.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Okay, This is Getting Ridiculous
I mentioned to Stein how wasteful it is for all this paper to be used. We're lucky here in Ann Arbor to have curbside recycling. Every week, the city collects our paper, cans, bottles, and plastic containers. I keep thinking about people who don't recycle or don't have it conveniently picked up every week. What happens to all those catalogs? More importantly, what happened to all those trees? I just recently saw a piece on the news about calling to have all these catalogs cancelled. Like I have the time to sit and call every place. Just add it to my list of things to do...
To give you an idea of some of the catalogs we've received, here is a list of the ones we still have around from the past week or so:
The Popcorn Factory (x3)
Sahalie (an REI-type store)
LL Bean
Pajama Gram (all pajamas)
Pier 1
Pottery Barn (x2)
Hamacher Schlemmer
Mrs. Prindable's Apples ($20 caramel apples!)
Harry and David
Cheryl & Co.
The Fruit Company
Land's End (x2)
Eddie Bauer
Sharper Image
Crate and Barrel (x2)
Uncommon Goods
Stop the madness!
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Blanket of White

This picture was taken by me this morning before I left for school. It was cloudy and the camera wanted to use the flash as I tried to get a shot of my neighbor's tree and bushes. We got some snow last night and periodically during the day today. It was a really wet snow, so it outlined the trees nicely. I can't believe that less than a week ago there were still some colored leaves clinging to the branches. Now all the trees are completely bare.
School today went really well, especially since I only had to teach 2 subjects! I also had my last observation with my advisor and that went pretty well too. I was pleasantly surprised with the kid's attention spans. Hopefully it was a reflection on the content and structure of my lesson!
I did notice today that they acted a lot better with Linda than they did with me. At first I was a little miffed that they were acting differently with her than me, but then I let go of that. She will have them for the rest of the year. I will be back periodically to sub, but for the most part, I am done. It's time to move on. Did they test me? You bet they did. Every step of the way. And you know what? I'm glad. It makes the experience that much more authentic. It also makes the end of it all that much sweeter. My confidence has increased, and I can say that I made it through some pretty tough days. That feels good.
The next big assignment that is due is my portfolio. This will hold all of my accomplishments, philosophies, pictures, etc. from my time in school and student teaching. It's been a good exercise to get everything ready to put in the portfolio. It has helped me to organize my thoughts and reflect about my experience. Now the tricky part will be putting it all together in an organized, creative way. I found myself in the scrap booking aisles at Michael's yesterday. Don't ask. I was looking for inspiration on themes. I found myself overwhelmed with cutesy. No offense to any of you scrap bookers (or whatever the proper name is), but there is a lot of stuff that goes with scrap booking. I had no idea.
Until next post... Happy winter to all, and to all a good night!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
While I don't like winter because of the cold, I do like winter because of the feeling of cozy. I love to bundle up in comfy clothes and blankets and hunker down. Our couch is pretty conducive to hunkering down. It's a sectional, so Stein and I can each stretch out while watching TV. The overstuffed cushions envelope you until all that's left is to surrender to the comfort and sit for at least an hour. As I type this, Stein is napping at one end of the couch and I am wrapped up in a blanket under the laptop at the other end.
And then there's the bed. We have a feather bed and flannel sheets. I never knew what feather beds were until I heard the song "Grandma's Feather Bed" by John Denver as a kid. I still have visions of John Denver singing this song on a big bed with a bunch of Muppets when he was on the Muppet Show. It wasn't until I was traveling a lot that I realized what a luxurious addition feather beds can be. Stein bought one for me a few Christmases ago, and I love it. Not only does it make the bed lofty and soft, it also makes it warm. That, combined with flannel sheets, just makes for a good-night's sleep.
Last night Stein made the first fire of the year in the fireplace. There's something so calming about fires. And so warm. We assumed our positions on the couch (me under a blanket of course) and settled in for a night of watching college football. The warmth of the fire warmed the room and magnified the coziness. Just how I like winter. Inside, warm, and cozy.
Friday, November 23, 2007
I'm Full
Yesterday was really fun. Matt and Anne's house was crowded with people, about 20 in all. The nieces and nephews ran up and down the stairs, happy to be with their cousins, happy to be with kids other than their siblings. The adults nibbled on appetizers and drank cocktails while the turkey baked to perfection. Anne pulled the turkey out of the oven and my mother-n-law said, "Oh, it looks exactly like it should look." My other sister-n-law Nancy and I joked by saying, "Thank God, I really thought it was going to look like a goat."
We all sat at one big table. Matt and Anne cleared the couch out of the living room and set up their dining room table plus 2 other folding tables there. It was pretty cool once everyone sat down. Although talking to everyone at the table was impossible.
Stein and I fretted over how many batches of green bean casserole to make. We decided on 2 big batches, and quickly realized as we sat down to dinner that it was too much. In addition to the Brussels sprouts that we also brought, there was 2 kinds of rolls, mashed potatoes, 2 kinds of stuffing, salad, sweet potatoes, and of course turkey. I had a little of everything on my plate, and my plate was covered. Delicious. For dessert, we had a choice of pumpkin, apple, or sour-cream apple pies, and vanilla or pumpkin creme brulee (made by our niece Claire). I crave anything pumpkin in the fall, so I had a nice slice of pumpkin pie with a big dollop of whipped cream, and then had the pumpkin creme brulee. Yum, yum, and yum.
Stein and I waddled to the car, our stomachs protruding from our coats. We got home, jumped immediately into pajamas and onto the couch, and were sleeping by 10:00. Thank you, gluttony.
Today, Stein and I went to the gym to attempt to work off a bit of the food we ate last night. I think maybe a spoonful of gravy was worked off in my 40-minute ride on the elliptical machine. I even ventured out to a store today, on "Black Friday" (by the way, since when is the Friday after Thanksgiving called Black Friday by retailers?). I'm not one of those shoppers who was out at the stores at midnight, or 4am (yes, there were stores around here open at those times). In fact, I really don't enjoy shopping. Unless it's grocery shopping. I can do that anytime. Shopping for me is like this: if I need something, I'll go to the store and buy it, but I really don't enjoy meandering in and out of stores just looking.
Anyway, I returned the camera that Stein bought me for my birthday because I wanted a smaller version. So today, what started out as an innocent search online for a new camera, ended up in a trip to Best Buy. On the busiest shopping day of the year. I set my expectations low when I was driving over there. I thought that I would have to weasel my way into the camera area and wait for at least a half hour for a salesperson to help me. I was pleasantly surprised when walked right up to the camera counter and then within 5 minutes had a salesperson helping me get what I needed. I did have to wait in line about 10 minutes to pay, but that wasn't bad at all, considering my prediction. As the cashier rang up my items, she took off the discount for the competitor's price (I luckily spotted the camera at a competitor for $20 cheaper), but didn't give me the sales price for the additional memory card I bought. "It must have been the pre-noon sale," she said. I nodded like I knew what she was talking about. As I gathered my bag and started walking out of the store, I stopped at the display with the sale flayers. I wanted to double check that the memory card was part of the pre-noon sale. That was the case, but then I saw a memory card with double the memory on sale for less than the regular price of the other one! Cha-ching! I headed over to the exchange desk and completed my transaction. I am now a proud owner of a digital camera (pictures to be posted soon) with enough memory to store about 1200 pictures! Thank you, Stein.
I got home, and made a turkey sandwich. As a rule, the day after Thanksgiving, my lunch consists of turkey and mayonnaise on toast, with chips and a coke. Yum.
I also read some magazines. Christmas magazines. As a tradition, my mom, aunt, sisters and I read Christmas magazines the day after Thanksgiving. It kind of kicks off the start of the Christmas season for me (never before today, as you already know). We buy Ladies Home Journal, Woman's Day, and the like. We read them for the heart-warming Christmas stories of tragedies saved by "angels" and families drawn closer together by the magic of Christmas. It's sappy, but I love it. And it's a tradition. This year, I'm a little disappointed by the magazines. Not one of them had a story (fiction or non) that made me cry. Not one of them had even a story that warmed my heart. I feel gypped. Oh well, maybe loading up the stereo with Christmas Cd's will help...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Giving Thanks
Growing up, my family and I would gather around the TV to watch the Macy's Day Parade on Thanksgiving morning. My family loved parades (and I think still does). It's kind of like our love of Broadway plays. (yes, I know, I still need to write about this in a post...) As we watched the parade, my mom would be in the kitchen getting things ready for the day. The dinner would either be at our house or my aunt's, with grandma, grandpa, cousins, and great aunts. We always loved when it was at our house, because it meant that we could stay in our pajamas until the last possible minute before the guests arrived. At dinnertime, kids would be situated at the kids' table, and the grown-ups around the big table. As kids we would race through our dinners so we could play. The grown-ups would linger over their dinners, talking and laughing. Then they would linger over coffee and dessert, talking and laughing. Eventually, I learned to do the same.
As a kid, I thought that Thanksgivings would be the same, every year, with the same people, until I was really old. I didn't take into account in my naivete, that things change, people move, life happens. To copy a bit from Karen, here are some of my memorable Thanksgivings:
A couple years while in high school, I celebrated Thanksgiving in North Carolina with Andy and Denise and my mom and aunt. I think it was at that time that I realized that people did things differently on holidays. (And that putting slabs of butter all over the turkey wasn't such a bad idea.)
One year in college, we drove to New York to have Thanksgiving dinner at Rick's. In a small apartment in Jersey City, we had our Thanksgiving dinner. In fact, Rick got it ready while we were at the Macy's Day Parade. That was exciting, being at the parade that I had only seen on TV!
And two years in a row, Stein and I were lucky to have Thanksgiving dinner in Hawaii. The first year we had the traditional turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes (and some poi for kicks). But the second year, we had some of the best fresh fish at Mama's Fish House. I consider that Thanksgiving one of my favorites.
This year will be more traditional at Matt and Anne's. I started my morning in honor of that. I stayed in my pajamas, and turned on the Macy's Day Parade. Later today, Stein and I will make the vegetables we're bringing, just like my mom did when I was a kid. And then we'll sit around at the grown-ups table at Matt and Anne's eating and drinking, talking and laughing. Then we'll linger over coffee and dessert, and talk and laugh.
You know, that's what it's all about. Celebrating what we all are thankful for. The food, the friends, the family. How fortunate.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Slowing Down
I woke up excited to go to school. I haven't had that feeling since I was a kid in school. We had an assembly in the morning, so Linda helped to prep the kids before. As she took over the morning meeting, she said, "Sorry, I'm just having a lot of fun with them." Have at it, I thought. I was supposed to be solo, but I let go. I was solo for a good 8 or so days out of the 10 (not counting the 6 days that I was solo with a sub), and I gained the confidence that I need. Like a good grandma at the end of a visit, it was time to give the kids back. I did manage to do some teaching, but not a lot. We gave the kids a lot of time to play yesterday. They needed a break and so did we. It was fun just to play together.
At the end of the day, I felt really tired. After having dinner, I was asleep on the couch by about 8:30! I think my body was telling me that it's time to slow down. Finally.
This morning I slept in until 7:00. I didn't have to rush anywhere. I didn't need to be anywhere, except for my massage at noon. I was able to go work out (which I haven't done in a week and 1/2) and then eat a leisurely breakfast.
On the way to my massage, I heard a report on NPR about how most people on average travel at least 50 miles (mostly by car) to go to Thanksgiving. I smiled and felt lucky as I thought about our plans for tomorrow. We'll be traveling to Matt and Anne's house. They live four blocks away.
Before the massage, I stopped by the farmer's market to look for Brussels sprouts. We're bringing a vegetable to Matt and Anne's tomorrow, so in addition to the traditional green bean casserole, we're bringing these Brussels sprouts:,,FOOD_9936_24942,00.html
At the farmer's market, there were a lot of people rushing around getting last minute things for the holiday. I felt so lucky to be able to meander through the market, looking at all the root vegetables, breads, and pies ready to be eaten. I didn't need to carry a list and cross things off. I didn't need to rush. I could just take it all in. I helped a woman get herself situated after trying to juggle the groceries in her bags. "I have an 18 pound turkey in my bag," she huffed as she shifted her bags. Again, I thought how lucky I was. All I have is 2 pounds of Brussels sprouts in my bag.
Then I had my massage. Ah, how luxurious that felt. The masseuse used the hot stones to get into my muscles. The weather outside today was rainy, grey, and chilly. A perfect day to be inside in a warm room on a warm table being warmed by hot stones. She even put little stones in between my toes at one point. I never had that done in the previous hot stone massages I've had. Boy, did that feel good on my normally frigid feet. I told the masseuse that I just finished a tough couple of weeks and that my back and shoulders were probably pretty tight. She worked on my back and shoulders to get out all the knots. Judging from the work that she did, I bet some of my muscles resembled some of the gnarly, twisted vegetables I saw at the farmer's market. Afterward, I sort of floated slowly down the street. I felt really light, like the massage helped to let everything go. It definitely helped me to slow down.
I came home, ate some lunch, and took time to make dinner. This whole day has felt like a luxury to me. It's been too long since I've had the luxury of time. In the past 3 months, everything has felt rushed. From sleep, to eating, to making dinner (the few times I have actually made dinner). Today felt like a gift to me. Something that I was waiting for and finally got. Boy, did it feel good.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Celebration Continues
Oh, and eating. That's also what this weekend was all about. Stein started it off on Friday night when he came home from watching our niece swim in the state finals. He bounded through the door with FOUR cakes from Cold Stone Creamery. Yes, four cakes. Granted, three of them were smallish cakes, but still. My teeth started to hurt when I looked inside the bag. There was a chocolate chip, a mint, a velvet, and a peanut butter and chocolate cake. I was in heaven.
As Linda, Chris and I continued talking, Stein told me to go out to the car to meet my nephew who was holding another birthday cake. You see, there was a slight mix-up (in my favor) which led my sister-n-law to make a cake in addition to the four cakes that Stein got from Cold Stone. So I also had a chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting. I was in heaven. Again.
Saturday morning, we went over to Matt and Anne's to tailgate before the U-M game. Boy, were we glad that we weren't going to the game. 40 degrees and rainy is not my kind of football-watching weather. Stein braved the elements to go. Unfortunately, it wasn't to watch a victory. Rats.
Jane and Shark were also in town, so Jane joined us while Shark went to the game. After watching some of the game at Matt and Anne's, we headed downtown for a little shopping and to catch the last part of the game. Inside. At a warm bar. Drinking beers. Ahhh. I made a toast at one point by saying, "I'm so excited to have you here and to be able to do this. Really, I'm just giddy." It was true. That's one of my favorite things. Good friends having good times. Just hanging out, catching up.
After the game, Shark, Dean and Stein came and met us. We all hung out together, catching up some more. Shark, Jane and Dean eventually went home, and Stein did too. So Linda, Chris and I went out for some dinner and talked some more. Really, I don't think we would ever run out of things to talk about. The conversation always flows that easily. You know you're with good friends when this happens. You don't want them to leave. You just want to talk and talk. And laugh. Oh, did we laugh. There's nothing like the laughter you have with good friends. Again, I am thankful to have them in my life.
Chris and Linda left early on Sunday morning, and Stein and I stayed close to the couch all day. I needed to get some things done for school, but other than that, I caught up on some sleep and also on the cake(s). After breakfast? Have some cake! After lunch? Have some cake! After dinner? Have some cake!
Oh, what a weekend. Food, friends, and fun. Wonderful.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Birthday and Bargain
Anyway, I digress. Yesterday was a great day. My friend Julie said that she always thought my birthday should be a national holiday, and here it was. Well, I guess the holiday wasn't in honor of me, but it still felt as important. Stein greeted me in the morning before the alarm went off. Then Linda wished me a happy birthday and handed me presents. One was a Love and Logic book for teachers (was that a hint?!) and the other was a Dave Matthews double CD that she actually wanted.
Would you believe that 2 girls in my class also had a birthday yesterday? What are the chances? We got to celebrate their birthdays with treats. We tell parents to only bring in healthy snacks, so the first one did. We enjoyed chips, salsa, and guacamole. I thought that was a great idea. The other girl didn't follow the healthy snack rule. She brought in cupcakes from Sam's Club. They were cute, with a swirl of thick, sugary frosting and a Hello Kitty ring on each one. I waited until the last possible moment in the afternoon to have them. Linda also had the good idea of enjoying them outside at recess. It was great!
When I turned on my phone at the end of the day, I had a lot of messages from people wishing me a happy birthday. Then, when I got home, more messages waited on our answering machine. I also got calls from my mom and Mickey when I was home. This is one reason I love birthdays. You just feel special. Really special. Stein said, "Do you want a present?" and shot his eyes toward 2 wrapped gifts on the coffee table. "Sure!" I said, not wanting to be greedy by grabbing and ripping them open. That's the other thing about birthdays. They make me feel like I'm six again. Politeness flies out the window. I think, "Do I really have to open the card first?"
After reading a beautiful card, I ripped open the first present. A camera. A digital camera! Hooray! I don't have to keep asking Stein to bring home his work camera. I can finally take pictures of what I'm talking about in my blog. I can finally take pictures in my classroom that I can use in my portfolio. I was so excited. Giddy, in fact. Like those times as a kid when you hoped for something, dropped numerous hints, but never thought you would get it. And when you did, it was like a shock at first. The second present was a case for the camera and an extra memory card. Now that's thinking.
Stein asked me this weekend if I wanted to go to dinner on Monday, and I told him I would see how I felt after school. The day went pretty well, much better than last week, so I was up for going out. Linda told us that the restaurants downtown (that are owned by the same company) offer a special on your birthday. They give you a discount on food. We opted for an Italian restaurant. We didn't want to seem like cheapskates, or the blue-hairs at a Florida buffet, so we thought of a plan. I would go to the bathroom, and Stein would casually order a dessert for my birthday. In a roundabout way, the waiter would know it was my birthday, without me coming out and saying, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! WHERE'S MY DISCOUNT?"
So, after a great dinner, the waiter brought over a cannoli with a candle in it. He then asked if my birthday was actually yesterday and asked for my i.d. as proof. When our bill came, 50% of our food bill was taken off! As we looked around, we saw 4 other tables doing the same. When we exchanged birthday greetings with the couple at the table next to ours, they gave us the skinny on the deal. "You can double dip," she said. "We always do lunch at one of the restaurants, and dinner at another." Stein and I looked at each other and laughed. We know where we'll be going for his birthday!
When we got home from the restaurant, more messages waited. I heard from more family and friends. What a great ending to a great birthday. I felt special again. Really special.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Stop the Madness!
I couldn't believe it. The Christmas aisle? Christmas was practically two months away! And Halloween hadn't passed yet. I started feeling a bit rushed, a bit frantic. I like to ease into the season of Christmas, making preparations, slowly browsing stores for things I know my friends and family will like. But standing there in Target, I felt like the retail gods were saying, "Buy now! You're running out of time! All of this 'stuff' is going to be gone in no time!" I looked away from the Christmas aisle and walked quickly to the check-out counter. I was then accosted by the display of Christmas M&M's.
The next straw is the massive amount of catalogs that we have received in the mail this year. I think every mailing list that we are on has been sold to every possible catalog company. Stein and I have agreed that this year is the worst in terms of quantity. Everyday when we open the mailbox, there are at least 3 catalogs. I'm afraid that one day it's going to be like a scene from Harry Potter, where they start coming in through the chimney and doors, like Harry's letters from Hogwarts. I can't even tell you what companies they are from. Most end up in the recycle bin after we only peruse the cover.
I also noticed that Coca Cola has gotten into the act at our local Kroger. I'm a Coca Cola girl myself (when I do indulge in pop), so I normally love everything Coca Cola. I walked into the store the other day and noticed that they had all of the cases of Coke stacked up forming a wall near the entrance. But it wasn't just a random stack of Coke cases. The different colors of the cases (grey, red, and white) when put together, all made a picture of a snowman. How clever, I thought. How time consuming, I thought. How early, I thought.
The last straw was last night. As Stein was flipping through the stations between football games, he stumbled on TBS. He saw the ending of a famous Christmas cartoon. Yes, I said Christmas cartoon. He saw the ending of the Grinch. I couldn't believe it.
It's not Thanksgiving yet. That's the cut-off for starting the Christmas season in my world. Let me enjoy the season like it's meant to be enjoyed. Slowly. In my own time. In my own way. Doing and watching and buying what I want.
Friday, November 9, 2007
What a Difference a Day Makes
My workshop this afternoon was great. It was with all the other student teachers in the area. It's always so nice to get together with them. We can commiserate, laugh, and share ideas together. It's reassuring to know that you're not the only person out there.
We're off to the football game in Chelsea (Stein's hometown) tonight. They're in the regionals. Go Bulldogs!
Also, Stein made another good dinner last night (in addition to bringing me a pint of Ben and Jerry's for the bad day I had). We decided that the spice of the chorizo is perfect with the somewhat blandness of the pork chops. Oh mama, it's good, and satisfies the chorizo addiction I've had lately. Here's the recipe if you want to try it:,,FOOD_9936_36232,00.html
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This
Monday went fine. Linda really didn't stay out of the room completely, but managed to stay out enough for the kids to know that I was the one in charge. She admits she has a hard time losing control, which I've heard is not unusual for teachers. I get it.
Tuesday the kids were off, but we had meetings in the morning and parent/teacher conferences in the afternoon. Yesterday went okay. I even managed to get through the math lesson, although the kids were looking at me like I had five heads and acted up to show this. My girls with attitude were in rare form too. Just another day in 4th grade.
Then the lights went out.
Well, they didn't actually go out, thanks to the generator. They went brown. So, just before lunch, I had to call my advisor to tell her the news. You see, I was supposed to be observed yesterday. And the lesson I was to teach? Most of it was on powerpoint. How was I going to pull that off? Have the class of kids gather around my laptop and hope that the battery doesn't die? No thanks. In all of my classes I have been taught to have a back-up plan in case things with technology don't work out. My back-up plan? Reschedule. Besides, the kids were off the hook. It was like they never had the electricity go out.
We got through the afternoon, after revamping some of the schedule. Linda took over a little more since I never encountered a "crisis" yet.
Then today came. I couldn't sleep this morning, so I got up early and got to school by 7:00 am. I was going to be prepared today. I was going to get everything I needed to be done for the day and then have time to get things together before my observation. The kids had art for an hour this morning, so I had even more time. I got everything set up, I was ready. The kids were a little crazed this morning, but it was understandable since Linda wasn't there. Oh yeah, I forgot that part. Linda took the day off.
I told the kids that my advisor was coming in to observe me and also observe them. I thought that may have been the key to getting them in order. Apparently not.
When I said they were off the hook yesterday, I don't know what I was thinking. Today they were downright crazy. I pulled out all the stops. I tried everything. I was polite. I was firm. I asked kids to "help me out". Nothing worked. Nothing. I finally told my advisor that I was going to be splitting this lesson into two parts and the first part was ending. NOW. I wrapped up the session and had the sub take the kids out to recess.
Then I got all the feedback from my advisor. She had mostly good things to say, knowing the circumstances involved. About five minutes into our meeting, the floodgates opened. I lost it. She always says that she carries kleenex with herself for such times. I always told myself that I "would never need them". Today I needed them. She was really nice and listened to me while I vented. A lot of things have been frustrating me lately, and I just had it. It all came out in tears. I pulled myself together, just in time to have the sub come back and tell me 2 of the kids got in a fight and were in the office. Just in time for the rest of the kids to come back from computers and be off the walls yet once again.
Tomorrow I have my workshop, so I won't be teaching anything. I'm grateful for the break. The only thing I keep thinking is, how am I going to last for 5 days next week and then the 2 days before Thanksgiving?
Mama also said this too shall pass. That's what I'm counting on.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
What a Nice Boy, That Stein
Stein doesn't really get into birthdays. Or he didn't, until he met me. The first year we were dating, my birthday came first and he did really well with it. I don't know if it was the constant reminders that my birthday was approaching, or what. I still wear the earrings (almost daily) that he gave me. Then, when his birthday came next, I made a big deal about it. He tells me every year that I shouldn't make a big deal about it, but I can't help it. It's fun.
When the subject comes up around other people, Stein jokes that not only do I think my birthday should last for the week prior to and the day of, but that it should be a birthday month. Well, in honor of that theory, he has been giving me gifts every week starting a month ago.
The first week, he handed me a card. When I opened it and saw that it was a birthday card, I thought maybe there was a mistake. When I opened it, he had written, "One more month until your birthday!" Oh, how fun. How thoughtful. The present was equally thoughtful. A travel soap dish. A purple travel soap dish. He told me that my travel soap dish, the one I've had since I started working at Einstein's, was ready to be thrown out because it was broken. So now I have the replacement.
The second week, he handed me another birthday card. And with the birthday card, was another present. It was new earphones for my iPod. Just a week before, I noticed that I was only hearing my music through one ear because the earphone cord was spliced somehow. He knew that I needed new ones.
And this week, oh my. He handed me another card. And in the card, it said he made an appointment for me for a massage the day after I finish my solo weeks. So the day before Thanksgiving, I will be getting a hot stone massage. What a luxury. He knew, yet again, what I needed.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is reason #527 why I married him.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
It's a brochure for a leadership seminar that I attended in 2006 when I worked for Einstein's. Apparently, they took my comments from the evaluation form and put them on the brochure. Very strange. I obviously had no idea.
This Old House
Although Bryan and Pat have made a lot of changes in the house, the many intricacies of the house remain. It's pretty amazing how these things just come back to you when you're in a place that's so familiar. It's funny how I just know that you have to step down to get from one part of the basement to another, or how I know where the light switch is for the back porch, or that certain doors require a little oomph to get open.
I did notice something yesterday that I never paid attention to. We went for a walk at one point to look at a house that's for sale in the neighborhood. Mickey, Rick, and I talked about houses we've been in and what the neighbors who lived in those houses were like. We shared stories of the insides of houses, and the houses we wanted to see. I listened and talked, yet I kept noticing that something was different in the neighborhood. I couldn't quite put a finger on it. It finally dawned on me. The neighborhood was different. Not only had I grown, but the neighborhood had grown. The trees are much more mature now, trees that were pretty young when we were running around playing. The grown trees, combined with me being grown up, made the neighborhood seem really small yesterday. I had such a different perspective of the place. The place that once was so familiar, now seemed unfamiliar.
When we got back to Bryan's, I shared this thought with my Mom. She felt the same way. "The streets seem so narrow, don't they?" she asked. I agreed. We talked about the mature trees, the narrow streets, and that everything looked different. Again, the surreal feeling came back. It's like the past and the present are combining, but the lines are blurred. It's really hard to distinguish one from the other.
For dinner, Bryan made my Mom's sloppy joes. It was such a nostalgic meal to be eating in that house. After dinner, we sat around the dinner table to have chocolate eclair cake dessert, yet another nostalgic food. Memories flood my brain when I'm in that house. I looked around and remembered holidays celebrated there. Hanging around the adults while they lingered over coffee and dessert after the meal, listening to the stories they told. Sitting at the kids table and laughing with my cousins. Or the bridge parties my parents had at the house. We were forbidden to eat any of the "party food" before the party started, and hoped the guests wouldn't have seconds of the dessert so we could have the leftovers.
That Old House has so much in it. So many memories. So many feelings. So many celebrations. So many experiences. So much learned. So much love. So much family.