Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What a Nice Boy, That Stein

I really like birthdays. I really get into birthdays. It could be my birthday, it could be friends' or family members' birthdays. It doesn't matter. I just like the celebration, the cake and the cards, and the presents. My sister Mickey and I love presents. I don't care if you wrapped up an old shoe in a box and gave it to me. (Actually, I would care - so don't think about it.)

Stein doesn't really get into birthdays. Or he didn't, until he met me. The first year we were dating, my birthday came first and he did really well with it. I don't know if it was the constant reminders that my birthday was approaching, or what. I still wear the earrings (almost daily) that he gave me. Then, when his birthday came next, I made a big deal about it. He tells me every year that I shouldn't make a big deal about it, but I can't help it. It's fun.

When the subject comes up around other people, Stein jokes that not only do I think my birthday should last for the week prior to and the day of, but that it should be a birthday month. Well, in honor of that theory, he has been giving me gifts every week starting a month ago.

The first week, he handed me a card. When I opened it and saw that it was a birthday card, I thought maybe there was a mistake. When I opened it, he had written, "One more month until your birthday!" Oh, how fun. How thoughtful. The present was equally thoughtful. A travel soap dish. A purple travel soap dish. He told me that my travel soap dish, the one I've had since I started working at Einstein's, was ready to be thrown out because it was broken. So now I have the replacement.

The second week, he handed me another birthday card. And with the birthday card, was another present. It was new earphones for my iPod. Just a week before, I noticed that I was only hearing my music through one ear because the earphone cord was spliced somehow. He knew that I needed new ones.

And this week, oh my. He handed me another card. And in the card, it said he made an appointment for me for a massage the day after I finish my solo weeks. So the day before Thanksgiving, I will be getting a hot stone massage. What a luxury. He knew, yet again, what I needed.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is reason #527 why I married him.


Dig said...

Love that guy.

Can't wait till he gives you those tickets to come to France on your actual birthday! OPPS!!! Did I spoil the surprise?!?!!?!?!?


amy7252 said...

Wow, that puts him in the running for hubby of the year, for sure! I shall be showing this post to Colin. ;)

Where are you going for the massage? I had a rather unpleasant hot stone massage at Bellanina -- the only time I didn't enjoy a massage there. Hopefully, your experience will be better than mine...

shelly said...

How blessed are you! I'm right there with you regarding the importance of birthday festivities (I'm also teased about a month long birthday celebration). Enjoy your birthday month!!