Sunday, December 23, 2007

On the Road Again

We're heading to Chicago this afternoon for Christmas. We'll stay with Chris tonight, and then tomorrow night we'll stay at a hotel downtown. We did this a couple years ago, and we loved it. Downtown gets deserted on Christmas Eve, and it feels like you have the whole place to yourself. You can stop and look at the lights without bumping into people. It's peaceful. We made reservations at one of our favorite Italian restuarants for Christmas Eve. I can taste it already.

We'll spend Christmas Day at Mickey's with her family, my brother Bryan and his family, and my dad. I'm going to stay over at Mickey's that night so she and I can go to the after-Christmas sales the next day. I'll take the train home that night.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I don't know if we'll have a white Christmas, but says that it will be a cold Christmas!

If I don't post before Christmas, I hope that you all have a merry and peaceful one spent with the people you love.


Dig said...

Hug Chris for me and say HELLO to all the family.

Mary Chrismer, Kelly!!!


ckweirath said...

Got the hug, Karen! Right back at you. Merry Chrismer!!!