Thursday, December 27, 2007

Whirlwind Trip

We're back from Chicago. Stein actually came back on Tuesday night, and I had the pleasure of taking Amtrak home last night. As predicted, the train arrived late. One hour late to be exact. Stein is sick, so the poor guy had to stay up until 12:30 to pick me up. I had the luxury of sleeping in today, he had to go to work. Bless him.

I am going to write about our adventures in a different post for each day. I can't promise that I will get all the posts written today, but hopefully by New Year's. We're going back to the Chicago area to visit Shark and Jane for the holiday. They just moved into a new house, so we're anxious to see it and catch up with them.

Right now I'm glad to be back home and sleeping in our own bed. Each night we slept in a different bed, so I'm happy to shed the gypsy feeling I've been experiencing the last couple days.

I'll leave you with this. Our time spent in Chicago revolved around food, family, and friends. Oh, and did I mention fun? Yeah, there was a lot of that too.

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