Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Karen!

Before I continue with day 2, 3 and 4 of my trip, I need to give a Happy Birthday greeting to Karen.

You may know her from her blog, flidstickdig (see blog list at the right). I've known Karen since college (I won't say how many years) and I consider myself a lucky duck because I still have her in my life.

I first met Karen at a Halloween party at Marquette (go figure). She wasn't "invited" to the party, but she managed her way in. So there she stood, dressed as Santa Claus, albeit a disheveled Santa Claus, with drink in hand. Later, the Santa Claus costume would be shed, but the drink seemed to remain. (Need I remind you that we were in college? In Milwaukee, no less?)

I have a lot of stories about Karen, some embarrassing, some hilarious, some touching. But the one thing about her that comes shining through no matter the story is her laughter, her sensitivity, and her passion. Passion for living, passion for whatever she puts her mind to.

Since college, Karen has lived in Colorado, Idaho, England, and now France (I think I may be forgetting someplace). With each place comes more stories of passion. Passion for those around her, passion for things she loves to do. Passion for the little things she takes notice of and treasures.

Throughout the years since college, I have managed to see Karen on a somewhat regular basis, despite the distance. She comes in to see her family, and I go there. I am instantly adopted by the family for a few days while Karen and I catch up, or while I play with her 3 adorable kids (and adorable husband).

You know you're with a good friend when you just pick up where you left off from the last time. Without skipping a beat. Without pause in conversation. Without so much to say, you can't stop. We both treasure the time we have together. We both know we will soon have to go back home. So we pack in reminiscing, catching up, and laughing into a short time.

This lucky duck says Happy Birthday Karen! Have a wonderful day doing whatever you're doing over there. I'm sure it is something that makes your heart sing and laughter flow. Cheers!

1 comment:

Dig said...

Kelly. You are too kind. You've really touched me with this post. You have no idea how grateful I am for you in my life. Who knew a simple choice of going to Marquette could bring such happiness in my life!

Love you!!!!