Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I subbed yesterday.

When I got there in the morning, I was in a great mood. I knew the drill, I knew what to do. And most of all, I knew the kids. I got into the room and Linda was already there. It was good to see her, and it was good to touch base with what she wanted me to cover that day. We chatted for a while and she was on her way to her meeting. I did some last minute things that needed to get done, and Matt came in to say hi and chat. "It's good to have you here," he said. "It's good to be back," I said cheerfully. How nice.

The kids greeted me with hugs instead of the usual handshake that is the routine in the morning. Even kids from Matt's class stopped in the hall to give me hugs.

The morning started just like any other morning did when I was student teaching. Keeping the same 3 boys on task, getting kids to finish their planners and their breakfasts (most of the kids qualify for free or reduced lunch). Another teacher came in to do some work with a group of kids, so I had everyone else do some work in their workbooks. We had our morning meeting when I told the kids that I was excited to see them and excited for the day. Everything was going swimmingly.

Until the math lesson.

The math lesson was not as structured as other math lessons given, and I know these kids when this happens. They lose it. They go crazy. And predictably, they did. The lesson dealt with measuring things around the room with a meter stick (yard stick). Suddenly, sticks were being twirled, sticks were being used as swords, and sticks were leading impromptu parades. I had to use my teacher voice more than once during this time. The girls with attitudes used this time to chat and gossip in a corner. When I would go near them, they would suddenly be measuring. Anything. "Let's measure your face," one of them said.

Oh, and they tested me. Like I had never been in their classroom before. Asking me for things that I knew they couldn't have, telling me procedures that I know didn't happen. Each time I said no, the face I got in return was like I had just given them the worst punishment of all.

The afternoon was okay. I had Matt's class for science so that was a nice break. We took a break and went to recess outside. I think this did more harm than good. The kids felt that because they were being loud outside, they could just continue being loud outside. In the computer lab.

Luckily computers was the last thing on the agenda before going home. They came back into the classroom, and got ready to go home. As I said goodbye to each one of them, I got the customary high-five on the way out.

Kids will be kids. And that's what keeps me coming back for more.

1 comment:

ckweirath said...

Well, you survived & that is saying a lot. I remember what it was like 2 days before holiday break. It's amazing you got anything done. :)