Friday, September 5, 2008

Stolen Words

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have been speechless, thoughtless, whatever you want to call it. Yet, even when I have the slightest thought that I can expand, that thought is quickly snatched up by another blogger whom I read. I may have a passing thought one day, and think, "Add it to the mental list," only to be reading one of the blogs I read a day later and see the same words on their page. A day late and a dollar short, I guess. Lately it's been the story of my life.

Take, for instance, the sunlight. This year, for some reason more than any other year, I have been really attentive to the light as it looks during various seasons. In the height of summer, the light is bright, unfiltered, and endless. And now that fall is near? It's hazy, filtered, and is about to set when it feels like it. Stein and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast Monday morning at an outdoor table in front of a great restaurant. I noticed that the light just hung around doing its job. If it were summer, the light would've been blaring and brash. If anything, it just seemed different. I even mentioned this to Stein as we walked to our car, our bellies full of yummy breakfast. And then, days later, on Gluten-Free Girl, what do I read? Her Ode to Light, or her discussion about how the light has changed literally and figuratively in the recent months since her daughter was born. (Karen, you're right about her switch in perspective by the way...)

Then, I was listening to the reports on NPR about the Republican convention and politics in general. While I never like to talk about politics in public or on my blog, this year I have been really disturbed by some of the political agendas/motivations/messages/tactics that are out there. I was happy then to read Dooce's account of the craziness of it all and her humorous approach to it all. (Well, depending on which side you're on.)

So without writing, my thoughts have been out there. I guess sometimes the blogger's got your tongue. Next time I just need to be quicker.


Dig said...

You wrote exactly what I've been thinking these last days too! LOL

Dig said...

PS: Dooce's blog the other day was beyond excellent. At least in my opinion....

ckweirath said...

I'm waiting for the Facebook post!