Thanks for the suggestions for costumes for the Grease party. Some people at the party were waiting to see what we were going to do. One person thought we would go with the "Greece" theme and show up in togas. Colin, we thought along the grease (WD-40, Crisco) lines, too, but after much over thinking, a good suggestion by Chris, and some last minute crafting, we came around to these outfits:

Coach Calhoun (of Rydell High, of course) and a 50's girl with a twist. As I started looking for pictures of poodles on the internet to use on a skirt, I remembered that I really don't like poodles. In fact, poodles are one of my least favorite dogs (sorry to all the poodle lovers out there and yay poodles international). Anyway, I digress. I decided that a lab would be more appropriate for my skirt and shirt. Here's how the skirt turned out:

I didn't see as much effort go into costumes this year as I did last year with the pirate theme. As suspected, there were a lot of people there with jeans and white t-shirts. What cracked me up was seeing some of the accessories on adults and then later worn by kids:
Eric's sister, Mia, stayed dry by sitting on Stein's lap:
It was a beautiful day to be out by the lake. We watched a great sunset progress as the evening went on:

We also had entertainment at the end of the night when the kids (and adults) danced to 50's music on the deck. What a great party to end summer. Sigh.

LOVE the skirt!!!!! You are hilarious!
Great job! You guys looked great. The party (and its location) looked awesome, too.
But don't you DARE say that summer is over! I refuse to believe it!
Yeah, you look great and all, but why all the hate, Poodle Hater?
Summer never ends in sunny CA, come for a visit!!
Love, Shane, Soph and Cooper (he still loves YOU) :)
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