Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pandora's Box

Just as I suspected. It was opened once again this morning when the teacher on leave came in for a "visit". I hope there won't be any more visits this year. How disruptive it was. I asked him if he could come in the afternoon, so that the kids could see him, and it wouldn't interfere with their day. Or interfere with mine. No dice.

He walked in this morning, presents in hand, like good-time Charlie. I let him talk to the kids alone for about 15 minutes, but spent 10 of those minutes in the hallway so I could hear what he was saying. I don't know what I was afraid of, but I didn't quite trust him. From what I could hear, everything was okay. He asked them about the good things in the classroom. He also gave them a little pep talk about me, and about how I'm a good teacher, etc. etc. The rest of the day was somewhat of a wash because the kids were exhausted and acted up accordingly. I attempted to get them to talk about how they were feeling, and I mostly got "sad and angry" from them. They are sad he left, mad he can't come back, and happy he did stop by and visit. He did confirm with them that he won't be back until the end of the year. Gulp.

It was interesting to see the reaction in some of the kids. My very spirited, not so nice boy suddenly was very somber. He listened intently to my lessons, got in line first without messing with his friends, and got his books together without me prompting him to do so. My girl with attitude who likes me most of the time talked and interrupted me constantly. At one point she was eating her snack so loud (mouth open) while I taught that I had to give her a look. "WHAT?" she snapped at me. Hmmm, I thought. Can't wait until tomorrow when I introduce the new behavior plan. (Today wasn't the best day to do it.)

I saw one hopeful thing while waiting for him to finish talking to the class. I was standing near a window to the outside space that four of our hallways look into. There is some grass, a picnic table, and a big tree. And in the corners? Small stalks of tulips or daffodils poking through the dark soil. Spring is coming. Spring is coming.


Dig said...

Hey, it's over now. He's visited and now he's gone. Exhale and onward and upward!

amy7252 said...

I agree with dig!

Man, I'm also wondering if Elle is going to act like that in class when she's that age?? I hope not! She would be in SO much trouble if I knew she said, "What?" to a teacher when being reprimanded.

ckweirath said...

I love that you used the term 'good-time Charlie'. That sounds like something my mom would say. :)

I'm with Karen. At least it is over and you can move on. At least the kids got some closure.

Is the guy going to come back to the school next year?