Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another Sign of Spring

Now that daylight savings has come, my morning drive to school is in the dark. I don't like this part, but I know that it helps with the day staying lighter later which I love. My classroom faces east, so I get to see some great sunrises out my windows in the morning while I get the classroom together.

The morning drive in the dark sometimes makes me feel like I have blinders on. The route is a pretty straight shot, so most of the time I'm on autopilot. But the other day something caught my eye.

Dairy Queen is open.

Yes, it's only the first part of March, but Dairy Queen is open. Sometime in the fall, the plywood boards go up on the outside of the building. And in March, they come down. Even in the darkness the other morning, I saw this change. And what a welcome one it was.

1 comment:

Dig said...

This. Is. Huge.

I feel your pain, happiness and complete joy.

Diary Queen. Heck, I'd settle for a Lactose Princess at this point!!