Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What are those blog links?

Just a few words about the blog links to the right. These are the other blogs that I read on a regular basis, for various reasons. The flidstick one is the blog of our good friend Karen. She was my college roommate and she now lives with her husband and three kids in a small town in France. She has three of the cutest kids and has some wacky stories to tell.

Rosutabouts is a blog that my friend Amy has. She just had a daughter, Elle, who is so cute. Check out her blog to see her baby roll over. Amazing!

The gluten-free girl blog is one that my friend Regina stumbled upon when she was doing research for a possible allergy. She told me about this writer, and I checked it out. I don't have celiac's disease, but I enjoy reading about this woman's life in Seattle. She just married a chef, and her blog is just as much about her life with the Chef as it is about gluten-free recipes.

And then I have postsecret listed. I read that once a week (it's a weekly blog posted on Sundays). Some of the secrets that people post are depressing, but some are pretty funny.

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