Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Sat There Like a Dummy

When I was little, my grandpa got a haircut that apparently my grandma didn't like. She said, "He just sat there like a dummy in the chair and didn't tell them they were doing it wrong." I don't remember the haircut, nor do I think it could be that bad, since he was bald with a comb over hairdo. Regardless, after that incident, my family would inevitably use that line.

Well, on Friday when I got my haircut, I sat there like a dummy. I have been going to the same woman for about 5 years now. When she asks me what I want done each time, I usually say I just need a trim. The past 3 times I've gone, she's given me a really nice cut. So this time, I said, "I really like what you've been doing, so we can still go with that. But I still need to be able to put it in a ponytail." She started telling me what she was going to do and asked if it was okay. It sounded like the same cut I've been getting, so I said fine.

Halfway through the haircut, I looked down on the floor and saw hair clippings that were 4-5 inches long! I thought, this is not the same haircut. Then she dried my hair like usual. But she didn't use the brush as usual while drying. Out came the hair straightener. As she turned the chair toward the mirror, I looked up and saw it. It was a short bob. Yep. The hair hits my jawline. I can't put it in a ponytail. Totally different haircut.

She asked me if I owned a hair straightener and I said no. Then she went on to tell me where I can buy one and what kind I should get. She also sold me on some hair product that will work well on this haircut. So not only did I get a totally different haircut, I now needed accessories for the haircut. I sat there like a dummy.

I did get a "It looks good!" from the owner of the salon, which was nice. I'm sure I'll get used to it, and I don't know if I'm going to buy the hair straightener. It's only hair, after all. It grows back. And no, I'm not going to post any pictures.


amy7252 said...

I am the exact same way with my hairstylists. Only recently did I have the guts to tell her that I didn't like how she styled my hair, and that's only because she's really good at asking for feedback without phrasing the question in such a way that you have to answer yes (i.e. "Don't you love it?") Why are we so intimidated by the people that we are paying to perform a service for us?

But seriously, you should post pictures so that we can all tell you how great you look!

Linda said...

Remember the Vidal Sassoon incident downtown? I don't even think you could call that a "style." I cried the whole way home. My sister was nice enough to bring me some hoop earrings and lipstick, she tried to make me look better.

shelly said...

Been there, done that on more than one occasion. Do you remember the "Q-tip" haircut I got freshman year? Or was that my nickname for a bad haircut I got my first year of marriage? Steven just informed me that we had no nickname for the 1996 haircut, but he did just call it horrific (yes, I did marry him for his sensitivity). Now, unlike my dummy disasters, your haircut actually sounds attractive. I bet you look great!

Kelly said...

Linda - I do remember the Vidal Sassoon incident! Mainly because I went on my lunch break and 4 hours later the dude was still cutting my hair! My boss called the salon to make sure I was okay. What an ordeal! And the haircuts were awful.

Shelly - I can't remember the q-tip haircut, so it must not have been in college, or not that bad.

I'm getting used to mine now, especially since I realized I can dry it with a brush and may not need to purchase a straightener.

Dig said...

No, I'm sorry. Pictures please!

Nothing could be worse than the cut my sister gave me before a family photo.

Change is good. You are beautiful regardless of how your hair is cut.

ckweirath said...

I agree with Karen. You have to post pictures. I have to see if it looks like Posh Spice or Katie Holmes. :) I'm sure it looks great.

ellenstew said...

I must remind you of the day we did a walk-in at a "salon" on clark street many years ago. You walked out she had cut your hair on an angle, it was a great cut if it was the '80's, but it was 1993. That is what we get for getting our hair cut when we are hungover :). I am sure you look marvelous, PICTURES please.