Monday, September 24, 2007

One Down, Two to Go

I had my first observation today and it went really well. the kids all acted appropriately for the most part. I'm just glad that my university supervisor had already left before one of the kids said that he was going to "write about the time I hit ___ in the privates." I told him that wasn't appropriate and he would need to think of another story. "Can I write about playing soccer with him, then?" I told him that was perfect.

I thought the lesson went well and the kids understood what they had to do. It was a pretty simple concept that I had to get across to them, so it wasn't very complicated to write the lesson. There was only one part that I sensed their boredom, but honestly I was getting a little bored too. Live and learn. Now I just need to make a switch when I can see I'm losing them.

I met with my supervisor later in the day, and, not to boast about myself, she had nothing but great things to say. I was really pumped up and enthused about my teaching.

Now we have curriculum night with the parents tomorrow night, and teaching by myself on Wednesday. I hope the positive streak continues. At least until Wednesday night!


Dig said...

I'm not surprised, Kelly!!! You are already a wonderful teacher in so many ways!


ckweirath said...

Way to go, Kel! You are such a natural.