Monday, March 30, 2009

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I Know

I haven't posted anything for almost a week. My excuse? Um, nothing. Nothing has been going on, nothing to report. I may have to dig deeper into the well for some ideas. I also need to write things down when an idea strikes. One of my English teachers in high school told us that we needed to carry a note pad around with us to record any ideas. Some days I hate to admit that she was right. What is it with teachers and their good ideas?!

We were out with friends recently and two of the most-talked about topics inevitably came up: the weather and the economy. I finally said, "I'm just tired of talking about it!" As I'm sure everyone is. It is weighing on everyone's mind (I'm sure the latter topic more than the former) and it easily becomes conversation.

I am trying to make a concerted effort to think about and look for good things around me. Local stuff, national stuff, whatever. So I ask you, what's something good that's going on with you? Share this with whomever you talk to. Give someone something else to think about.

In the meantime, I'll compile my list, and also start writing some things down. And I won't talk about the weather either. No one likes a complainer, right?

1 comment:

Dig said...

Will loves his "Cars" underpants. That's what's good with us! ;)