Thursday, July 31, 2008


Think of something that you did in grammar school, high school or college to show school spirit.

Why the challenge, you ask? Every week during the summer program, my director has challenged the teachers to focus on something. (Oh, and there are prizes for the winners. Y'all know how I'm a gift gal? Well, count prizes in on that too.) One week's challenge was organization, another week it was attendance (which I won, ahem), this week it was "catch people doing good things". He doesn't normally announce the challenge until the week it takes place, but he announced next week's challenge today: Class Spirit.

He said there are no parameters, no rules. However we want to show class spirit is up to us. He is also going to be taking a bunch of pictures and will compile them all on a disc for us.

Normally, I am not an extremely competitive person. But sometimes my dander gets up with the silliest of things. Like this. Immediately my mind began racing with ideas, most of which stemmed from my grammar school and high school days. Things like theme days, pep rallies, group songs, chants, etc.

So back to my challenge for you: I know that you had some sort of school spirit thing at one point that you loved. What was it?


Anonymous said...

We had the challenge of which group/class wore the most school colors and was the loudest in singing the school song.

Keep us posted on who wins! :)

amy7252 said...

My favorite was hall decorations during Homecoming. Each class was assigned a floor of our building to decorate according to the Homecoming theme. We came up with some pretty elaborate stuff, but mainly, it was neat to walk to class amidst crazy paper decorations fluttering all around.

Matt said...

I would frequently moon my classmates at pep rally's and assemblies....