Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Three Wrongs Make a Right?

So today was my 2nd observation. The day started out with me getting to school and having two men in our room crawling around the floor near the sink. Our water has been screwed up where no cold water comes out when you turn that faucet on. So there they were, doing whatever they were doing, and then started to leave at one point. Linda said, "Oh, are you guys done?" "No", the one replied, "We have to get a part to replace this one and we'll be back." We both looked at the clock. It was 8:15. School starts at 8:45.

The kids arrived and were told that there was going to be a fire drill. Linda and I didn't think it would happen since it was drizzling outside. Nope. At 9:05 the alarm sounded. Out of the building we went into the wet and chilly weather.

And then? Oh yeah, the MEAP test (the state tests). The kids had to take the MEAP test when they got back inside.

They got a little break after that when they went to library, but that was it. Then I had to teach my lesson.

The lesson that was going to observed.

The kids were up for grabs, so to speak. And I don't blame them. Fire drills, quiet for tests and library, and the barometric pressure all was a recipe for disaster. I managed my way through it, the kids actually understood most of the material, and my advisor had nothing but good things to say. I survived.

I have to say, it is getting a little easier. I'm getting used to the kids and I think they're getting used to me.

I just hope the conditions are right on Friday - Linda will be out that day...

1 comment:

ckweirath said...

You are your own worst critic. I'm sure you did great. Those kids are lucky to have you!