Saturday, December 6, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside

So it's snowing here today. Here is a picture I snapped this morning as the stuff was coming down. It's one of those fine snows, that comes down like flour thrown in the air and blows easily off rooftops.Oh, and it's cold. This week has been really cold. Cold as in reading 24 degrees on my dashboard in the morning on my way to school. Cold as in scrunching up my shoulders to help keep myself warm.

All I want to do is hunker down. All I want to do is eat hot comfort foods. There is some split pea soup made by Stein simmering on the stove right now. That's a good start. The only reason we have to leave the house today is to find and cut down our Christmas tree. I'm thinking this would be a great day to go to the closest tree lot and pick one out. But what's the fun in that? We're adventurous. We live on the edge. We're silly enough to brave wind and blowing snow to cut one down.

Hope you're having a warm weekend! Have some hot cocoa for me.


amy7252 said...

I love cutting down my own Christmas tree. It just seems so much more festive and fun. We're forgoing the tree this year because we don't want to worry about a certain toddler eating the ornaments, but next year, we'll be back on the farm with our hacksaw!

shelly said...

We just braved that same cold and wind to cut down a tree. It's amazing how fast you can pick one out when the wind chill is in the teens. Have fun trimming!