Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Quick Note

Hi! Still here. It's been a crazy week at school. For some reason, the evil gods were working together this week - indoor recess, an out-of-control barometric system, no Internet for 3 days, and a full moon have caused all of the kids to go completely insane. It didn't matter what grade, they were all insane. Oh, and couple that with an assembly on Monday, and a Valentine dance coming tomorrow afternoon. Also, there's sure to be sugar highs and lows running rampant from an excess of candy hearts exchanged at Valentine's Day parties tomorrow. I can't wait.

Good news is that the warmer weather continued throughout the week, which melted most of the ugly, dirty remaining snow and set the stage for some new, clean stuff. Yes, I am talking about more snow confidently. I don't want to get all grouchy in the end by trying to trick myself into believing it won't come. We all know it will. It may come in May, for all we know. (My freshman year in college, we walked to our finals one morning in May in a snowstorm, no joke. So you never know.) We also have our niece Danica coming up from North Carolina next week. She'll be spending about 5 days with us, experiencing life north of the Mason-Dixon line in (hopefully for her) snow. We're also going to head up north to help ensure that she sees the white stuff.

I'll be back with more in the next few days. Just after I decompress from this craziness we call Valentine's Day in school. Oh, and some one's (wink, wink) birthday is just around the corner (as in tomorrow), so that's something to celebrate for sure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ugh. I'm glad, in a way, that it's just not me experiencing hell this week. Gross.